In 2011 Atlantic Theater Conservatory (NYU) presented Euripides’ classic drama TROJAN WOMEN translated by George Theodoridis, directed by Wayne Maugans. Set and Light design by Gabe Evansohn, Costumes by Katija Andreiev, Sound by Ien DeNio, Dramaturgy by Charles C. Bales, Vocal Coach Katie Bull, Dialect Coach John Van Wyden, Stage Manager Allison Douglass. The cast featured Olivia Carr, Matt Davis, Taylor Frey, Lizzie Henney, Mary Howe, Diana Irvine, Mike Puckett, Dani Atkinson, Michel Dominguez, Robin Irene Goldensohn, Leah Will, Lauren Slakter, Jefferson Reardon, Thomas Sullian, and Luka Mijatovic.
Oct 19 - 23, 2012